Public Works Tree Trimmer

The City of Clarksdale, MS (pop. 17,962) is seeking highly visible, full time patrolmen to enforce state laws and local ordinances, maintain the public peace, perform police control, investigation, traffic regulation and to serve and protect the public.  This position is supervised by a police corporal and/or police sergeant as assigned. The position requires a valid state driver license, a high school diploma, and completion of State Basic Training Academy or “equivalency test” within one year of employment.  The ideal candidate will have experience with issues facing a rural community, excellent oral and written communication skills and will enjoy being part of a local government team striving to serve the citizens and community.  A detailed job description is attached. 

You may apply through the WIN Job Center

At or apply in person at 236 Sharkey, Suite 300, Clarksdale, Mississippi.  Please note that WIN Job Center office operations may be disrupted by Covid 19.  Online inquiries are encouraged.


See Full description in the link above.